24 Jan 2024 · 2.00 pm
Matthias Schwartz: Superkraft und Zaubertrank für den Kommunismus. Fantastische Zukunftsvisionen und Energieressourcen in sowjetischer Science-Fiction
Venue: Freie Universität Berlin, Osteuropa-Institut, Garystr. 55, Hörsaal A
Research project(s): World Fiction, Post/Socialist
Lecture as part of the lecture series Energy Empires. Verflechtungen, Ressourcen und Konflikte in Osteuropa at the Institute for East European Studies at Freie Universität Berlin
Slavist and historian Matthias Schwartz is co-coordinator of the program area World Literature and research team leader of the projects World Fiction, Post/Socialist. Eastern European Literatures and Cultures and Adjustment and Radicalisation. Dynamics in Popular Culture(s) in Pre-War Eastern Europe.