08 May 2021 · 2.00 pm

Panel “Praktiken und Prozesse”, with Georg Dickmann a.o.

Venue: online
Research project(s): Style. Past and Present

Panel “Praktiken und Prozesse” at the final digital event “The Knowledge of the Arts is a Verb – A Glossary” of the DFG Research Training Group Knowledge in the Arts at the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK)

With Susanne Hauser, Ariane Jeßulat, Irina Raskin, Fritz Schlüter (all Berlin) – Praktiken
With Georg Dickmann, Felix Laubscher, Stefan Neuner, Sophia Prinz (all Berlin) – Prozesse
Moderation: Silvia Bahl, Kathrin Busch, Maximilian Haas, Sabine Huschka (all Berlin)

The philosopher and literary scholar Georg Dickmann is a research associate in the project Style. Past and Present.