Style. Past and Present
One of the hallmarks of liberal democracies is the protection of stylistic diversity on all levels, from ways of life to art. However, one person’s style has always been another’s lack of style. This has, in recent times, led to intensified competition, an accelerating logic of outbidding styles, and the isolation of style communities in echo chambers, culminating in the hypostasization of their own style. Combined with the social and medial, ecological and economic shifts that have been disrupting the global stage for a number of years now, this has also strengthened populism in Germany. Taboos have been broken that were unthinkable for a long time in Germany—especially with regard to its culture of remembrance. The loss of style occasionally apostrophized as ‘brutalization’ has now been followed by actions. When styles lose their typical leeway between flexible normativity and rule-based freedom or selfdestruct through their claims to exclusivity, questions of style become questions of life (and even survival). Against this background, the project explores the long history of style in the arts, sciences and society.
The indestructibility of the concept of style, from the elocutio of ancient rhetoric to our present day ‘lifestyles,’ is directly related to its irritating vagueness and, accordingly, its diverse applications. Because style as a concept is difficult to grasp, it is used primarily where definitions and arguments fail. ‘Style’ embraces unstable phenomena of coherence and consistency that remain unresolved in distinctions between norm and obligation, on the one hand, and freedom and choice on the other or between individuality and sociality. Friedrich Möbius spoke in 1984 of the “synthesizing synopsis of even disparate phenomena,” Robert Musil in 1921 of style as a “prosthesis of truth,” and Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, following Flaubert in 1986, called style “a way of seeing things that is detached from objects.” The fact that style as a concept is overdetermined and inaccessible to discursive argumentation does not mean, however, that its phenomena and effects cannot be analyzed in a context-dependent and functional way. The instruments offered by literary stylistics shall be examined, modified and expanded historically and systematically in an inter- and transdisciplinary perspective. To this end, a reading group on the topic of style has been meeting since the winter semester 2018/2019.
Current Research
Style Pluralism and the Longing for Style around 1900 and in the Present
Since the 19th century (Semper, Flaubert, Nietzsche, Proust), it has been precisely stylistic pluralism, the multiplying of stylistic options, that has fostered a desire for the ‘one’ or ‘true’ style. The “will for style” (Wustmann), prominent around 1900, can also be understood as a reaction to the vast proliferation of (artistic) media. As artists felt the need to orientate their artistic style to the medium—Alfred Döblin proclaimed the ‘cinema style’ for the modern novel as early as 1913—or at least to react to the changing media landscape, raises the question of whether this historical constellation provides a meaningful basis for comparing the significance of style today. Doubtlessly the interactive and collaborative elements of Web 2.0 have influenced the style(s) of contemporary literature. Authors, for instance, publish their work in advance or even exclusively on the Internet, integrate digital writing practices appropriated from social networks into their texts and/or react, reflect and criticize the impact that new writing and communication styles have on the way we perceive the present. Last but not least, readers are endowed with new roles, for example evaluating and sharing (authors’) posts or tweets, thus contributing to the success—and the style—of writers.
Thought Style and Collective Style
Drawing on Ludwik Fleck (but also Thomas S. Kuhn and Bruno Latour), the concept of a thought style has been made productive in the history of science, first for the history of the natural sciences, and more recently also for the history of linguistics. Thus, the heuristic potential of an appropriately sharpened concept of thought style can be mobilized for investigating a ‘school of writing’-style in contemporary literature. Do university courses such as ‘creative’ or ‘scenic’ writing impose what Fleck called a “thought constraint,” resulting in a specific, uniform style? How does this relate to the older tradition of writing as a craft? And how is the contemporary literary tendency of centring the author connected to these issues?
Style and narratology
While literary studies (with the exception of Romance studies) have long neglected style and stylistics, they are currently, following linguistics and in addition to empirical aesthetics, making greater efforts to explore the possibilities of digitally supported and primarily quantitatively organized stylometry. However, such interests often remain secretly tied to narratological parameters, thus obscuring a possible competition between style and narrative procedures, both in the literary tradition itself and its scholarship. It was narratology, methodologically more advanced than style analysis, that in recent decades placed style in the blind spot of scientific reflection.
Rupture of Style
Canonizing in art and literature is dependent on stylistic ruptures, if only because a style can mostly be identified only after its demise. Since the privileging of originality in the last third of the 18th century, literary historiography has been oriented towards what is new in each case, but without recognising the alleged breakthrough as a stylistic break. As a result, stereotypical juxtapositions such as rhetoric vs. style or organic artwork of the classical vs. fragmentary modernism still organize the field today. With the concept of stylistic rupture, conventional innovation-centric models can be enriched dialectically. However, ever since Susan Sontag’s investigations into Camp and the emergence of pop literature, manner, jargon, attitude can no longer readily be regarded as the ‘other’ of style. Rather, a conformist style can be subversive and, conversely, the rupture of style can solidify into a convention. On the one hand, this makes the potential of the stylistic rupture visible as an analytical historical category, but on the other hand, by including its counter-concepts, it also imports new problems: its relational character turns into relativism.
Within the framework of the key project, a proposal on the phenomenon of drasticism in contemporary philosophy and literature is currently underway (applicants: Eva Geulen, Ludger Schwarte; researchers: Georg Dickmann, Pola Groß; collaboration: Claude Haas). Contemporary media such as Twitter and social networks promote a certain, drastic form of speech, one which populist politics in particular attempt to use for their own purposes. This project explores what this implies for literary and theoretical texts that make use of comparable stylistic procedures. After all, breaking taboos, transgressing, or ‘speaking the truth’ (parrhesia), often presented as reckless, provocative speech, have a long tradition. The currently recurring linguistic escapades, however, confront this philosophical and literary practice with considerable challenges, challenges that the project seeks to address systematically. Is it still possible, in view of the developments of recent years, to employ authentic forms of drastic speaking and writing? Which stylistic register must they display in order to be distinguishable from popular or populist forms of drastic writing?
see also
- Reading Group: Style
- Contributions on Style (on the ZfL Blog)
Schreibarten im Umbruch. Stildiskurse im 18. Jahrhundert
Beiheft zur Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie
Neue Nachbarschaften: Stil und Social Media in der Gegenwartsliteratur
Themenheft von Sprache und Literatur
Der Stil der Literaturwissenschaft
Sonderheft der Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie
Georg Dickmann
- “Zu zweit schreiben ist ein Witz, ein gewolltes Missverständnis.” Zu Arme Avanessians und Anke Hennigs kollaborativer Poetik, in: ZfL Blog, 10 Mar 2021
Eva Geulen
- Einleitung. Stil und Rhetorik: Ein prekäres Paar und seine Geschichten, in: Interjekte 14 (2022): Stil und Rhetorik. Ein prekäres Paar und seine Geschichten, hg. von Eva Geulen und Melanie Möller, 4–7 (mit Melanie Möller)
- Der Stil der Literaturwissenschaft. Einleitung, in: Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 140 (2021), special issue: Der Stil der Literaturwissenschaft, ed. by Eva Geulen and Claude Haas, 1–15 (with Claude Haas)
- Ohne Bühne. Stil bei Peter Szondi, in: ibd., 183–193
- “Folgeerscheinungen der rhythmischen décadence.” Rhythmus und Stil in Nietzsches “Ecce homo,” in: Boris Roman Gibhardt (ed.): Denkfigur Rhythmus. Probleme und Potenziale des Rhythmusbegriffs in den Künsten. Hannover: Wehrhahn Verlag 2020, 91–103 (with Elisa Ronzheimer)
- Unverfügbarkeit. Überlegungen zum Spätstil (Goethe, Adorno, Kommerell), in: Kai Sina, David Wellbery (eds.): Goethes Spätwerk. On Late Goethe. Berlin: de Gruyter 2020, 15–24
- Geheimnis Gutachten (mit Hinweisen), in: ZfL Blog, 7 Apr 2020
- Was Stil sagt, in: ZfL Blog, 1 Feb 2019
- Zur Idee eines “innern geistigen Rhythmus” bei A.W. Schlegel, in: Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie (137), special issue: August Wilhelm Schlegel und die Philologie, ed. by Matthias Buschmeier, Kai Kauffmann, 211–224
Pola Groß
- Schreiben und Leben – Clarice Lispectors crônicas, in: ZfL Blog, 25 Nov 2024
- Mit Stil gegen Stil. Überlegungen zu einer Schlüsselkategorie bei Adorno, in: Wolfgang Fuhrmann, Gabriele Geml, Han-Gyeol Lie (eds.): Worte ohne Lieder. Von der Sprachästhetik zur ästhetischen Theorie in Adornos musikalischen Schriften. München: text + kritik 2024, 239–260
- Pop-Nachbarschaften 3.0: Stil und Milieu bei Joshua Groß, Christian Kracht und Sibylle Berg, in: Stephanie Catani, Christoph Kleinschmidt (eds.): Popliteratur 3.0? Soziale Medien und Gegenwartsliteratur. Berlin: de Gruyter, 87–102 (with Hanna Hamel)
- Einleitung: Neue Nachbarschaften: Stil und Social Media in der Gegenwartsliteratur, in: Sprache und Literatur 51.1 (2022) = Neue Nachbarschaften: Stil und Social Media in der Gegenwartsliteratur, ed. by Pola Groß and Hanna Hamel, 1–17 (with Hanna Hamel)
- “Die Sätze müssen lyrisch gebaut sein, sonst finde ich die nicht gut.” Rhetorik und Stil in der Gegenwartsdramatik von Thomas Köck, Enis Maci und Wolfram Höll, in: Interjekte 14 (2022): Stil und Rhetorik. Ein prekäres Paar und seine Geschichten, ed. by Eva Geulen and Melanie Möller, 78–95
- Stil und Haltung – Wolfgang Kayser, in: Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 140 (2021), special issue: Der Stil der Literaturwissenschaft, ed. by Eva Geulen and Claude Haas, 123–140
- “Eigentümlicher Denkzauber” und “die Aura der Begriffe.” Zum Zusammenhang von (Denk-)Stil, Sprache, Literatur und Interpretation bei Ludwik Fleck, in: Scientia Poetica 24 (2020), 255–288
- Sehnsucht nach Stil (um 1900), in: Faltblatt zum ZfL Jahresthema 2020/21: EPOCHENWENDEN and in: ZfL Blog, 18 Nov 2020
- Neue Nachbarschaften? Stil und Social Media in der Gegenwartsliteratur, in: ZfL Blog, 17 Mar 2020 (with Hanna Hamel)
- Stilisierung zum Kuschel-Philosophen. Zur Rezeption von Adornos “Aspekte des neuen Rechtsradikalismus,” in: ZfL Blog, 27 Jan 2020
Claude Haas
- War da was? Bemerkungen zum Kafka-Jahr 2024, in: ZfL Blog, 8 Oct 2024
- Kontrollierte Literatur. Überlegungen zur Gestik und Stilistik Leif Randts, in: Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte (2023)
- Der Stil der Literaturwissenschaft. Einleitung, in: Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 140 (2021),
- special issue: Der Stil der Literaturwissenschaft, ed. by Eva Geulen and Claude Haas, 1–15 (with Eva Geulen)
- Blüten. Stil bei Leo Spitzer, in: ibd., 43–58
- Neue Normalitäten – Stil heute, in: Geisteswissenschaftliche Zentren Berlin (ed.): 25 Jahre Geisteswissenschaftliche Zentren Berlin, Berlin: GWZ 2021, 80–86
- Was ist Stil und wie sagt man es am besten?, in: ZfL Blog, 26 Mar 2021
Pola Groß: Schlussmachen – Über Textenden in der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsdramatik
University of Zurich, Deutsches Seminar,room SOD 002, Schönberggasse 9, 8001 Zurich
Pola Groß: Deep Dreaming – Monika Rinck, Hannes Bajohr, and Chat GPT
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Claude Haas: Stil im Spannungsfeld von Singularität und Totalität
Bielefeld University
Georg Dickmann: Digitale und virtuelle Körper
Freie Universität Berlin, EXC 2020 Temporal Communities, Otto-von-Simson Straße 15, Room 00.05, 14195 Berlin
Pola Groß: Mit Stil gegen Stil. Überlegungen zu einer Schlüsselkategorie bei Adorno
mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna, main building, Bauteil C/Fanny Hensel-Saal
Eva Geulen: Stil und Moral in der “Minima Moralia”
Centre Marc Bloch, Friedrichstraße 191, 10117 Berlin
Eva Geulen: The styles of literary criticism
Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Wallotstraße 19, 14193 Berlin
Eva Geulen: Klassizität als Effekt überforderter Form bei Peter Szondi
Lecture Hall at Bibliotheca Albertina, Beethovenstraße 6, 04107 Leipzig
Schreibarten im Umbruch. Stildiskurse im 18. Jahrhundert
Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, Aufgang B, 3. Etage
Pola Groß and Hanna Hamel: Netznachbarschaften 3.0: Autor*innen-Stile und Kollektive
Pola Groß and Hanna Hamel: Neue Nachbarschaften. Stil und Social Media in der Gegenwartsliteratur
online via Zoom
Pola Groß: Mit Stil gegen Stil. Überlegungen zu einer Schlüsselkategorie bei Adorno
Panel “Praktiken und Prozesse”, with Georg Dickmann a.o.
Style and Rhetoric: A Precarious Couple and its Histories
Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, Aufgang B, 3. Etage, Trajekteraum
Georg Dickmann: “Sich an C19H28O2 anschließen” – Onto-epistemologie und ästhetische Praxis in Paul B. Preciados “Testo Junkie”
Neue Nachbarschaften. Stil und Social Media in der Gegenwartsliteratur
Schreibarten – Stil im 18. Jahrhundert
ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, Aufgang B, 3. Etage, Seminarraum
Schulen, Gruppen, Stile. Denken, kollektiv betrachtet
ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, Aufgang B, 3. Etage, Seminarraum
‘Firsthand Time.’ Documentary Aesthetics in the Long 1960s
ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, Aufgang B, 3. Etage, Seminarraum
Denkstil – Denkkollektiv – Sprache bei Ludwik Fleck
ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, Aufgang B, 3. Etage, Seminarraum
ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, Aufgang B, 3. Et.
Style: The Present Situation
Cabinet, Ebersstr. 3, 10827 Berlin
Bücher im Gespräch |
“Social Media und die Gegenwartsliteratur”
Radio feature in the program “Hintergrund Kultur” on WDR 5 Scala