ZOiS Forum
18 May 2022 · 6.30 pm

Wenn Geschichte umgeschrieben wird: Ein Blick auf die Ukraine, Belarus und Russland

Venue: Zentrum für Osteuropa- und internationale Studien (ZOiS), Mohrenstraße 60, 10117 Berlin
Organized by Félix Krawatzek (ZOiS), Matthias Schwartz (ZfL)
Contact: Anja Krüger (events@zois-berlin.de)
Research project(s): World Fiction, Post/Socialist

The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February of 2022 was accompanied by a historical rhetoric with vocabulary drenched in references to World War II. But even prior to February of 2022, there was a visible trend in the countries of the former Soviet Union to fundamentally rewrite historical narratives. This development comes as part of the current political shifts in these countries. Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia experience a national appropriation of history carried by various political and social actors. This shift shapes the respective social self-conception and is also a key to understanding intergovernmental dynamics between the three countries as well as the war in Ukraine. The discussion will explore these aspects on different levels and include perspectives on social, political, and cultural processes.


The event is organized in cooperation between the Centre for Eastern European and International Studies (ZOiS) and the ZfL and is part of the ZOiS Forum series.