07 Sep 2022 · 10.00 am

Wert- und Traditionsbegriffe

Venue: Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, Aufgang B, 3. Et., Trajekte-Tagungsraum
Contact: Barbara Picht
Research project(s): The 20th Century in Basic Concepts

Focusing on the 20th century and the German language, this workshop will, firstly, focus on concepts which are credited with realizing or actualizing past values. Examples are concepts such as “Ordnung,” “Sicherheit,” or “Heimat.” What are the value-constituting aims with which they are used? What semantic change do they undergo as a result of these aims? And does the 20th century see the formation of new concepts of tradition?

Secondly, the workshop will differentiate between concepts of values and concepts of tradition. As a result, the necessities and necessitations of their respective present and their associated values compete with the “value” of the “past.” Examples are concepts such as “Innovation” or “Nachhaltigkeit,” concepts that are linked to the shaping of the future and thereby obtain their status as concepts of value. Do the concept-historical dynamics of this type of concept differ from the concepts of tradition which update the past?

Workshop in the context of the Leibniz Research Alliance Value of the Past.



  • Barbara Picht: Welcome and introduction


  • Martina Steber: “Konservatismus”


  • Achim Saupe: “Sicherheit”


  • Elke Seefried: “Nachhaltigkeit”


  • Paul Schacher: “Ordnung”


  • Jens Jäger: “Heimat”


  • Stefan Scholl/Mark Dang-Anh: “Demokratie”


  • Ernst Müller: “Aufklärung”


  • Susanne Weber: “Innovation”