29 Jun 2022 – 30 Jun 2022

Wie postdigital schreiben? Verfahren der Gegenwartsliteratur

Venue: Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, Aufgang B, 3. Et.
Organized by Hanna Hamel, Eva Stubenrauch

Digitalization changes the literary scene, but also writing styles and texts. This is proven by the so-called ‘digital literature’ which is produced in social media networks or actively incorporates algorithms into literary production. Under post-digital preconditions, a writing that remains untouched by the changing medial and technical conditions is no longer imaginable. This development brings forth poetologies that claim and experiment with new techniques in describing our present. This includes ‘glitches,’ small errors that indicated constructions of reality, or ‘hyper-irony’ as a utopian attitude that is supposed to enact a self-conscious exuberance. At the same time, both the techniques as well as their analytical and critical definition—as ‘leveling,’ ‘flattening,’ ‘superficiality’—tie in with aesthetic traditions of literature from the last centuries, especially from pop literature. This is true for the algorithmic list that continues a typical technique of pop literature, the arrangement and selection, in order to negotiate the in- and exclusion of the archive as well as for the over-affirmation that comes as a continuation of the established pop gesture to not criticize but empathetically welcome system logics.

The presentations in this workshop introduce and problematize singular techniques, especially with regards to possible historical (dis)continuities and innovations. As in the case of the list, their precursors may date past ‘contemporary literature’ and far back into past centuries of literary-epistemic ordering. In addition to the historical development and return of literary procedures, the exchange with other (medial) techniques and their overlapping with theoretical and scientific text production will also be discussed.

The workshop aims at two things: on the one hand, it aims at bringing together the two literary-scientific fields of pop and digitalization studies to study transformations within contemporary literature from a micro-perspective on the basis of the previously introduced techniques and to make palpable the changes within post-digital aesthetics. On the other hand, it aims at contextualizing current techniques with those that have a long historical tradition (Romanticism, Classical Modernity). Also, the workshop will confront the analysis of historical writing practices with studies in contemporary literature.

The workshop asks the following guiding questions, among others:

  • Do digital forms of publication/the public change the aesthetic techniques in pop literature?
  • (How) Are the new techniques that already bear an overcoming in their name (hyper-irony, power-Dada) different from their predecessors?
  • Are there innovations in the way post-digital writing practices question large literary-historical categories such as ‘work’ or ‘authorship’?
  • How do pop techniques and digital techniques respectively position themselves within the broader context of ‘contemporary literature,’ and how do they relate to literary-critical conventions?

The event is part of the series Spielräume der Gegenwartsliteratur organized by the research project Neighborhood in Contemporary Berlin Literature at the ZfL, which is held between April and June in cooperation with various partners in Berlin.



ATTENTION: Unfortunately there have been short notice cancellations and program changes due to illness!

Wednesday, 29 Jun 2022


  • Hanna Hamel, Eva Stubenrauch (both ZfL): Opening/Introduction

Panel 1: Pop-Transformationen
Moderation: Eva Stubenrauch (ZfL)


  • Moritz Baßler (University of Münster): ‘Alles ist postdigital, und der Rest macht uns auch sturzbetroffen.’ Paradigmatischer Realismus nach Pop
  • Matthias Schaffrick (University of Siegen): Gelegenheit macht Listen. Zu den Verfahren prä- und postdigitaler Listen

Panel 2: Formate
Moderation: Rabea Kleymann (ZfL)


  • Tobias Wilke (ZfL): Konkrete Dichtung und diskrete Zeichen: Einsätze digitaler Poetik um 1960 (Max Bense, Ernst Jandl)
  • Philipp Ohnesorge (University of Greifswald): Ein “glitch turn der deutschsprachigen Literatur”? Überlegungen zu einem postdigitalen Verfahren der Störung

Panel 3: Lektüren
Moderation: Elias Kreuzmair (University of Greifswald)


  • Eva Geulen (ZfL): “Ich bin der Nostradamus der fan fiction”. Zu Joshua Groß

Thursday, 30 Jun 2022

Panel 4: Poetiken der Oberfläche
Moderation: Hanna Hamel (ZfL)


  • Vera Bachmann (University of Regensburg): Poetik und Hermenautik. Schreibweisen der Oberfläche im historischen Vergleich
  • Immanuel Nover (University of Koblenz-Landau): “Glotzt nicht so romantisch”. Zu den ästhetischen Verfahren bei Leif Randt


  • Elena Beregow (Universität der Bundeswehr München): “Ziemlich angenehm”. Oberflächen in Faserland und Allegro Pastell


  • Closing discussion


Hanna Hamel, Eva Stubenrauch (ed./eds.)

Wie postdigital schreiben?
Neue Verfahren der Gegenwartsliteratur

Literatur in der digitalen Gesellschaft
transcript, Bielefeld 2023, 258 pages
ISBN 978-3-8376-6561-1 (Print); 978-3-8394-6561-5 (PDF)