
The ZfL publishes research results in a variety of formats (monographs, anthologies, essays). The ZfL currently has two special book series with Wallstein (Literatur- und Kulturforschung) and Kulturverlag Kadmos (LiteraturForschung). As a signatory of the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities, the ZfL and its library support free access to publicly funded research findings on the internet.

The search fields to the right make it easy to find ZfL publications using the author’s name or keywords.

The ZfL researchers are active on the advisory and editorial boards of renowned periodicals and academic book series.


The ZfL publishes research results in a variety of book formats from monographs to anthologies as well as in other formats like supplements or special issues of journals.

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Open access

The ZfL supports free access to publicly funded research findings on the internet and makes this research available to readers on the open access publication platform CompaRe.

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Our blog posts are written by colleagues working at the institute as well as by guest contributors from around the world.

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E-journal Interdisciplinary Conceptual History Forum

The ZfL publishes the open access e-journal Interdisciplinary Conceptual History Forum, featuring current debates in interdisciplinary conceptual history.

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Online publication Interjekte

The ZfL publishes Interjekte, an open access online publication series open to various topics and themes.

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(online anthology)

Online Anthology of the research project “Neighborhood in Contemporary Berlin Literature.”

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Current Publications

Clara Fischer

Experimentierfeld Versepos (1918–1933)
Mit Studien zu Thomas Mann und Alfred Döblin

Wallstein, Göttingen 2024, 416 pages
ISBN 978-3-8353-5757-0

Zeitschrift für Ideengeschichte
Heft XVIII/3, Herbst 2024

Unternehmen Unseld, ed. by Jan Bürger and Stephan Schlak
C.H. Beck, München 2024, 143 pages
ISBN 978-3-406-58381-0
Henning Trüper

Unsterbliche Werte
Über Historizität und Historisierung

Wert der Vergangenheit vol. 9
Wallstein, Göttingen 2024, 363 pages
ISBN 978-3-8353-5730-3
Claude Haas

Der König, sein Held und ihr Drama
Politik und Poetik der klassischen Tragödie

Wallstein, Göttingen 2024, 392 pages
ISBN 978-3-8353-5539-2
Stefani Engelstein
translated by André Hansen

Genealogisches Denken in der Literatur und den Wissenschaften der Moderne

De Gruyter, Berlin 2024, 325 pages
ISBN 978-3-111-24741-0 (Print); 978-3-111-24807-3 (PDF)

Zeitschrift für Ideengeschichte
Heft XVIII/2, Sommer 2024

Eastern Underground, ed. by Hana Gründler and Jörg Völlnagel
C.H. Beck, München 2024, 128 pages
ISBN 978-3-406-81577-5
Lukas Pallitsch

Das Nachleben des Propheten Jeremia bei Stefan Zweig und Franz Werfel

Conditio Judaica vol. 99
De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston 2024, 461 pages
ISBN 978-3-111-34774-5 (Print); 978-3-111-34800-1 (PDF)
Eva Axer, Annika Hildebrandt, Kathrin Wittler (ed./eds.)

Schreibarten im Umbruch. Stildiskurse im 18. Jahrhundert
Beiheft zur Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie

Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin 2024, 244 pages
ISBN 978-3-503-23787-6 (Print); 978-3-503-23788-3 (E-ISBN)
Ernst Müller, Barbara Picht, Falko Schmieder (ed./eds.)
with the collaboration of Mark Dang-Anh, Alexander Friedrich, Rüdiger Graf, and Stefan Scholl

Das 20. Jahrhundert in Grundbegriffen
Lexikon zur historischen Semantik in Deutschland

Schwabe Verlag, Basel 2024
DOI 10.31267/Grundbegriffe
Insa Braun

Reden über Lyrik
Autorkonstitution in Frankfurter Poetikvorlesungen von 1959 bis 1989

Studien zur deutschen Literatur vol. 233
De Gruyter, Berlin 2024, 288 pages
ISBN 978-3-111-32782-2 (Print); 978-3-111-32954-3 (PDF)
Davor Beganović, Zrinka Božić, Andrea Milanko, Ivana Perica (ed./eds.)

Procedures of Resistance
Contents, Positions and the ‘Doings’ of Literary Theory

Palgrave Macmillan, London 2024, 373 pages
ISBN 978-3-031-49385-0 (Print); 978-3-031-49386-7 (PDF)
Riccardo Nicolosi, Matthias Schwartz (ed./eds.)

Jenseits der Nostalgie? Neuaneignungen des Spätsozialismus in osteuropäischen Gegenwartskulturen
Themenschwerpunkt des Wiener Slawistischen Almanachs

Vol. 90 (2023)
Peter Lang, Berlin 2024, 118 pages
ISBN 978-3-631-91729-9