Susan Taubes Edition
Since 2003 the writer and philosopher Susan Taubes’ (née Feldmann, 1928–1969) literary remains have been archived and studied at the ZfL. Her life and writings are a testament to a personal history that is both extraordinary and at the same time paradigmatic for the 20th century. It is a life story in which Jewish exile meets female intellectualism. The multivolume publication Schriften von Susan Taubes (Susan Taubes’ Writings; ed. Sigrid Weigel) with its wealth of heretofore unpublished materials from Taubes’ posthumous archive makes it possible to discover this independent author who has remained obscure for too long. Her literary works as well as her cultural criticism reflect experiences of transit, loss, and placelessness. They provide documentation of Taubes’ enthusiastic participation in the intellectual resurgence within postwar culture in the USA, Israel, and Europe during the 1950s and 60s.
Alongside the scholarly and literary manuscripts found in her literary estate, the collection also includes a large number of private notes and writings found in journals and letters. Her correspondence with Jacob Taubes from the early 1950s—in the period just after their marriage—gives a strong impression of what her working conditions were like. It also documents the intellectual development of the young philosopher and author, for in the letters private disputes overlap with philosophical debates, for example, with regard to the relationship between Jewish exile and German philosophy after 1945. Moreover, the letters tell of numerous personal encounters and give glimpses into the intellectual scenes of New York, Paris, and Jerusalem.
Subvolumes 1.1 and 1.2 of Schriften von Susan Taubes (2011 and 2014, ed. Christina Pareigis) include a total of 269 letters, each printed in the respective original language (English, German, and Hebrew) and each with scholarly annotations. The publishing of these two volumes was preceded by an extensive phase of viewing, probing, and arranging the contents of the archive as well as substantial research in archives in the USA, France, and Israel to find out more about certain biographical contexts and the historical conditions in which Taubes was working. On top of that were interviews with eyewitnesses and an intensive collaboration with Ethan Taubes in New York and Noémi Földes in Budapest.
Volume 2 of Schriften von Susan Taubes (eds. Thomas Macho and Johannes Steizinger) includes Taubes’ previously published essays on Heidegger, Camus, the theory of tragedy, and Simone Weil, as well as her long unpublished dissertation about that same French woman philosopher (Harvard, 1956). These philosophical works were unique in Taubes’ time and remain highly relevant today. In 2024 they will be available in print for the first time in German and with annotations.
Volume 3 of Schriften von Susan Taubes (2015, ed. Christina Pareigis) includes a selection of her short stories translated into German. During her lifetime Susan Taubes only published two literary texts in addition to her novel Divorcing (1969). Her literary remains indicate, however, that her literary productivity was in fact much more extensive. The aesthetic contexts from which these works emerged and her other self-reflexive experimental writings have their origins in the European postwar avant-garde. These writings are also currently a central focus of literary scholarship. Taubes’ highly complex compositions with their multiple settings and linguistic registers are stagings of both a life story and identity, neither of which is based on a singularity of meaning or a sense of continuity. Instead, they are based on the unknown, the broken, and the interrupted.
The Stiftung Preußische Seehandlung funded the establishment of the archive.
Through the diverse range of publications and presentations that resulted from our colleagues' work on this project (e.g., the Telos Conference Rituals of Exchange and States of Exception. Continuity and Crisis in Politics and Economics, New York, January 15–16, 2011; the Susan Taubes panel at the Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies, Washington DC, December 12, 2011), we have gained new collaborative partners, especially scholars from the USA.
Susan Taubes
Susan Taubes
Die Korrespondenz mit Jacob Taubes 1952
Susan Taubes
Die Korrespondenz mit Jacob Taubes 1950–1951
- Susan Taubes. Philosophische Schriften, transl. by Rüdiger Hentschel and Konrad Honsel, ed. by Thomas Macho and Johannes Steizinger (= Schriften von Susan Taubes, vol. 2), München, Paderborn: Fink (forthcoming 2026)
Christina Pareigis
- The Connecting Paths of Nomads, Wanderers, Exiles. Stationen einer Korrespondenz, afterword to vol. 1.1 of Susan Taubes’s writings, 259–288
- Susan Taubes – Bilder aus dem Archiv, in: Trajekte 20 (2010): Aus Berliner Archiven, 22–29
- Searching for the Absent God. Susan Taubes’s Negative Theology, in: Telos 150 (2010), 97–110
- Letter from Susan Taubes to Jacob Taubes, April 4, 1952, in: Telos 150 (2010), 111–114
- When an Exile Celebrates her Fate. Zum 40. Todestag von Susan Taubes, in: Dan Diner (ed.): Jahrbuch des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts 8. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2009, 397–417
- “Creation is always violent”. Susan Taubes an Jacob Taubes, Zürich, 4. April 1952, in: Trajekte 15 (2007): Pathos, Bilder, Religion, 6–15
Sigrid Weigel
- Between the Philosophy of Religion and Cultural History: Susan Taubes on the Birth of Tragedy and the “Negative Theology” of Modernity, in: Telos 150 (Spring 2010), 115–135
- Hinterlassenschaften, Archiv, Biographie. Am Beispiel von Susan Taubes, in: Bernhard Fetz, Hannes Schweiger (eds.): Spiegel und Maske. Konstruktionen biographischer Wahrheit. Vienna: Zsolnay 2006, 33–48
- Die Religionsphilosophin Susan Taubes. “Negative Theologie” und Kulturtheorie der Moderne, in: Bernhard Greiner, Christoph Schmidt (eds.): Arche Noah. Die Idee der ‘Kultur’ im deutsch–jüdischen Diskurs. Freiburg i.Br. 2002, 383–401; rev. version in: Sigrid Weigel: Literatur als Voraussetzung der Kulturgeschichte. Schauplätze von Shakespeare bis Benjamin. Munich: Wilhelm Fink 2004, 127–145
- Susan Taubes und Hannah Arendt. Zwei jüdische Intellektuelle zwischen Literatur und Philosophie, zwischen Europa und USA, in: Ariane Huml, Monika Rappenecker (eds.): Jüdische Intellektuelle im 20. Jahrhundert. Literatur- und kulturgeschichtliche Studien. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2003, 133–149
Christina Pareigis, Sigrid Weigel: Überall im Exil: Susan Taubes
silent green Kulturquartier, Gerichtstraße 35, 13347 Berlin
Sigrid Weigel: Discovering a Fascinating Author. Introduction into the Life and Work of Susan Taubes
Villa Aurora, 520 Paseo Miramar, Los Angeles, CA 90272
Jacob and Susan Taubes and Their Circles
UCLA, 314 Royce Hall, CA 90095-1485 Los Angeles
Christina Pareigis: Raging, Devouring Monster of Time. Zu einer Sprache des Traumas in den Schriften von Susan Taubes
Warburg-Haus Hamburg, Heilwigstr. 116, 20249 Hamburg
Taubes und Taubes
Humboldt Carré, Historische Kassenhalle, Behrenstraße 42, 10117 Berlin
Christina Pareigis: Haunted by the Ghosts of Judaism. Susan Taubes’s Relation to Tradition as Reflected in her Writings of the 1950s
Grand Hyatt, 1000 H Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20001
Christina Pareigis: Wer ist Susan Taubes?
Nedderfeld 2, 22529 Hamburg-Halstenbek
Jacob Taubes – sein Vermächtnis in Briefen
Messegelände, Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1, 60327 Frankfurt a.M., 3.1 F 161
Christina Pareigis: What a Human Being Should Do Who Discovers the German Geist in 1951. Susan Taubes’s Response to the Crisis of Modernity
New York
Archiv und Eros. Zum 80. Geburtstag der Religionsphilosophin und Schriftstellerin Susan Taubes
ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, 3. Et., Trajekte-Tagungsraum 308
Christina Pareigis: Hinterlassenschaft, Archiv und Biographie. Diskutiert am Beispiel der Arbeit an einer Biographie von Susan Taubes
Österreichische Gesell. für Literatur, Herrengasse 5, 1010 Wien
Media Response
Review by Manuela Reichart, in: RBB, program: Der Morgen, 24 Jan 2022
Review of »Nach Amerika und zurück im Sarg« by Christiane Meixner, in: Tagesspiegel, 4 Jan 2022
Radio feature by Angela Gutzeit, in: Deutschlandfunk, program “Büchermarkt,” 28 Oct 2021
Review by Jan Kuhlbrodt, in:, 03 Mar 2016
Review by Axel Klappoth, in:, 20 Jan 2016
Review by Helen Thein-Peitsch, in: Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte (ZRGG) 66 (2014), issue 2, 205–207 (fee required)
Book Review by Rabbi Tamara Cohn Eskenazi, in: Jewish Journal, 17 Mar 2014
Review by Yitzhak Ahren, in: Freiburger Rundbrief. Zeitschrift für christlich-jüdische Begegnung 3 (2013), 227–229
Review, in: Information Philosophie 5 (2012)
Article by Gregor Dotzauer, in: Tagesspiegel, 27 Jan 2012
Article by Alexander Cammann, in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 16 Jan 2008