Tragedy and Trauerspiel
This project investigated tragedy and Trauerspiel along with their philosophical principles by means of selected examples of dramatic spectacles where one witnesses the interference and dialectic of the European secularization process from the 17th century to the present.
While contemporary tragedy is born under the profound influence of its earlier cultish origins, Trauerspiel unveils the underlying ambition for a religious experience or more fundamental eschatological self-enlightenment. In understanding the two phenomena, one must neither overlook their ancient or Christian heritage, nor perceive them as resulting from the historical progression of distinctly disparate forms. However, expressions of Christian, ancient, or pseudo-ancient origins endure and intermingle throughout the history of Trauerspiel and tragedy; these traces merit further investigation. Research in light of this conglomeration and hybridization broached in particular the representations of the state and sovereignty, thus formulating a project that highlights political theory discourse as theological investigation historically and systematically exploring the origins of tragedy or Trauerspiel and the implications that follow.
Current theories regarding secularization and its politics were not applied to Trauerspiel and tragedy in a one-dimensional fashion; rather, the question to what extent the two phenomena in turn influenced and determined central tenants of such theories have been examined. In this manner, we explored the possibilities of localizing denominational subtexts, as well as texts inquiring into the philosophy of the tragic.
Such a reconfiguration of tragedy and Trauerspiel under a literary, philosophical and religious historical regard therefore implicates investigations into representational and performance theory. In so doing, one will progress beyond the political dimensions of theater and theatricality, seeking out further examination of the theater public, be it imaginary, and the underlying historical development of “affect economy.”
Benjamins Trauerspiel
Theorie – Lektüren – Nachleben
Walter Benjamin’s Hypothetical French Trauerspiel
Claude Haas
- Trauerspiel und Tragödie, in: Daniel Weidner (ed.): Handbuch Literatur und Religion. Stuttgart, Weimar: Metzler 2016, 275–283
- “Jetzt Retter hilf dir selbst – du rettest alle!” Zur Tragödienpolitik der (Lebens-)Rettung in Schillers “Wilhelm Tell,” in: Johannes F. Lehmann, Hubert Thüring (eds.): Rettung und Erlösung. Politisches und religiöses Heil in der Moderne. München: Fink 2015, 123–147
- Heute ein König? Zur Dramenzeit des Souveräns, in: Claude Haas, Andrea Polaschegg (eds.): Der Einsatz des Dramas. Dramenanfänge, Wissenschaftspoetik und Gattungspolitik. Freiburg. i. Br., Berlin, Wien: Rombach 2012, 253–276
- Indianer weinen (nicht). Zu Poetik und Dramaturgie der Träne bei Corneille, Schiller und Racine, in: Marcel Krings, Roman Luckscheiter (eds.): Deutsch-Französische Literaturbeziehungen. Stationen und Aspekte dichterischer Nachbarschaft vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2007, 131–145
Daniel Weidner
- Weltkriegstheater. Botenbericht und Mauerschau in Karl Kraus’ “Die letzten Tage der Menschheit,” in: Michael Auer, Claude Haas (eds.): Kriegstheater. Darstellungen von Krieg, Kampf und Schlacht in Drama und Theater seit der Antike. Stuttgart, Weimar: Metzler 2018, 247–259
- Zerreißen, Verschlingen, Zerrinnen. Opfer, Abendmahl und Trauerspiel in Kleists “Penthesilea,” in: Kleist-Jahrbuch 2012. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 270–289
- “Schau in dem Tempel an / Den ganz zerstückten Leib, der auf dem Kreuze lieget”. Theatrale und Sakramentale Präsenz in Andreas Gryphius’ “Leo Armenius,” in: Daphnis 39.1–2 (2010), 287–312
Öffentliche Trauer zwischen Familie, Ritual und Staat
ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, 3. Et., Trajekte-Tagungsraum 308
Stages of Knowledge, Spaces of Faith. Allegory, New Science and Baroque Theater
Tel Aviv and Bar Ilan
Das Nachleben des Trauerspiels
ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, 3. Et., Trajekte-Tagungsraum 308