Writing Life. Varlam Shalamov: Biography and Poetics
The focus of this project was the publication of a biography of the Russian author Varlam Shalamov (1907–1982).
It is only since the beginning of the 21st century that Shalamov has come to the attention of the international public. In 2007 the publishing house Matthes & Seitz Berlin began the multivolume collection of Shalamov’s works with Erzählungen aus Kolyma 1 – Warlam Schalamow: Durch den Schnee [The Kolyma Tales 1 – Varlam Schalamov: Through the Snow]. The collection, translated by Gabriele Leupold and edited by Franziska Thun-Hohenstein, promoted the discovery of a great author, whose role in academic debates around the world about writing “after Auschwitz” and “after the Gulag” ought not be overlooked. The complexity, poetic intensity, and laconic tenor of the more than 150 Kolyma Tales in the collection make Shalamov one of the most unconventional literary voices of the 20th century. However, there is to date no comprehensive, scholarly presentation of his body of work (not even in Russia) that does justice to the complex interconnections between his biography and poetics, while also taking into account the cultural-historical conditions of the Soviet Union during his lifetime.
This project will address this lacuna by examining Shalamov’s body of work (with special attention to his prose) and the problem of narrating human life after Auschwitz and after the Gulag. The project integrates multiple research perspectives, including philological and biographical approaches as well as ones from literary studies and cultural history. In terms of the complex relationship between life and writing after the Gulag, this project tracks Shalamov’s use of literary form to analyze his oeuvre and his aesthetic explorations from the 1920s/1930s to the 1970s. His extremely fragmented life and the socio-cultural context of the Soviet Union also inform the analysis of his works. In the monograph, these caesuras will constitute the points of departure from which the various stages of Shalamov’s intellectual biography are then reconstructed, using the poetics of his literary texts as a basis.
Fig. above: Varlam Shalamov (1907–1982)
Das Leben schreiben
Warlam Schalamow: Biographie und Poetik
Körper, Gedächtnis, Literatur in (post-)totalitären Kulturen
Sonderband des Wiener Slawistischen Almanachs
Franziska Thun-Hohenstein
- “Document of the Soul:” Varlam Shalamov’s Documentary Writing in a Contemporary Context, in: Clemens Günther, Matthias Schwartz (eds.): Documentary Aesthetics in the Long 1960s in Eastern Europe and Beyond. Leiden: Brill 2024, 31–51
- Warlam Schalamow an den Leser im Westen. Ein Archivfund, in: ZfL Blog, 10 Jan 2022
[Transl.: Varlam Šalamov – zapadnomu čitatelju. Archivnaja nachodka, in: shalamov.ru] - Das Gedächtnis der Menschen lässt sich nicht vernichten, in: Geschichte der Gegenwart, 12 Dec 2021
- Die Auferweckung des “lebendigen Lebens.” Körper, Gedächtnis und Sprache im Werk von Varlam Šalamov, in: Wiener Slawistischer Almanach 85 (2020), special volume: Körper, Gedächtnis, Literatur in (post-)totalitären Kulturen, ed. by Susanne Frank, Franziska Thun-Hohenstein, 207–246
- “A Grudge-holding Body”: Body and Memory in the Works of Varlam Shalamov, in: Fabian Heffermehl, Irina Karlsohn (eds.): The Gulag in Writings of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and Varlam Shalamov. Boston: Brill 2021,142–176
- Leidtragende Körper, in: ZfL Blog, 24 Jul 2019
- Warlam Schalamow, article on the occasion of the 111th birthday of Varlam Shalamov, in: дekoder.org, 18 Jun 2018
Franziska Thun-Hohenstein: Das Leben schreiben. Warlam Schalamow: Biographie und Poetik
Gedenkbibliothek, Nikolaikirchplatz 5–7, 10178 Berlin
Franziska Thun-Hohenstein: Das Leben schreiben im Angesicht des Todes
Lew Kopelew Forum, Neumarkt 18, 50667 Cologne
Franziska Thun-Hohenstein: Das Leben schreiben. Warlam Schalamow: Biografie und Poetik
Max-Lingner-Haus, Beatrice-Zweig-Straße 2, 13156 Berlin
Franziska Thun-Hohenstein: “Das Leben schreiben.” Warlam Schalamow: Biografie und Poetik
Literaturforum im Brecht-Haus, Chausseestraße 125, 10115 Berlin
Das Leben schreiben. Warlam Schalamow: Biographie und Poetik
Haus für Poesie, Knaackstr. 97, 10435 Berlin
Franziska Thun-Hohenstein: “Writing Life.” Experiences from the Work on a Biography of Varlam Shalamov
Università degli Studi di Milano, Sala Napoleonica, Via Sant’Antonio, 12, 20122 Milano, Italy
»…dass der Tod kein bisschen schlimmer ist als das Leben.« Warlam Schalamow, Schreiben nach dem Gulag
Militärhistorisches Museum der Bundeswehr, Olbrichtplatz 2, 01099 Dresden
Kolyma in other Languages. Translating and Publishing Varlam Shalamov’s Work Abroad
Södertörn University, Campus Flemingsberg, Alfred Nobels allé 7, 141 89 Huddinge (SWE), MA 756, CBEES
Franziska Thun-Hohenstein: Ästhetische Distanztechniken bei Schalamow und Brecht
Literaturforum im Brecht-Haus, Chausseestraße 125, 10115 Berlin
Schalamow. Lektüren
ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, 3. Et., Trajekte-Tagungsraum
Franziska Thun-Hohenstein: Warlam Schalamow. Poetik und Biographie
Bonatzbau der Universitätsbibliothek, Wilhelmstr. 32, 72074 Tübingen
Franziska Thun-Hohenstein: »Fantiki« des Lebens. Die Poetik (auto-)biographischer Texte Warlam Schalamows
Strahovské nádvoří 1/132, 118 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic
Media Response
Review by Ilma Rakusa, in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung (1 Dec 2023)
Review by Aage A. Hansen-Löve, in: Wespennest 185 (2023), 96–102
Review by Uwe Wolff, in: Die Tagespost (20 Sep 2023)
Review by Wolfgang Schneider, in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 177 (2 Aug 2023), 10
Review by Volker Strebel, in: literaturkritik.de, 10 Mar 2023
Review by Ulrike Baureithel, in: WOZ Die Wochenzeitung 9 (2 Mar 2023)
Review by Ronald Pohl, in: Der Standard, 26 Jan 2023
20 Sep 2023 Audio
“Das Leben schreiben. Warlam Schalamow: Biografie und Poetik”
Reading and talk with Franziska Thun-Hohenstein at the Max-Lingner-Haus, moderated by Wladislaw Hedeler
© Helle Panke e.V.
3 May 2022 Audio
“Warlam Schalamow – am Kältepol der Grausamkeit”
Podcast “Kontext” on SRF with Franziska Thun-Hohenstein
© WDR 3