Hegels ›Logik‹ lesen
Ein Selbstversuch
[Reading Hegels ‘Logic.’ A Self-Experiment]

Matthes & Seitz, Berlin 2020, 250 pages
ISBN 978-3-75180-302-1

Though Brecht called it “one of the greatest humoristic works of world literature,” Hegel’s Science of Logic is the dark heart of the Hegelian system. While his Philosophy of Right and even his Phenomenology have returned to intellectual debates in recent years, his Logic—one of philosophy’s major works—remains mostly unread. Colossal and difficult to penetrate, the book has not been discovered by the world beyond academia.
Patrick Eiden-Offe has subjected himself to the exercise of studying the Logic consistently from beginning to end. For one hour every morning, his reading of the Logic evoked surprising and at times touching experiences, experiences lost in its mere appropriation through secondary literature. In the process, he discovered a Hegel whose radical thinking pushed him to develop his own, hermetic language, comparable only to Hölderlin’s; a Hegel who seeks to “get to the bottom” of the matter itself and—in the end—can only record how it “perishes.” And a Hegel whose philosophy bears traits of a pitch black humor. Reading the Logic becomes a self-experiment, as does writing about it. Ultimately, the Science of Logic appears like an essay itself, one that consoles the modern soul and, as such, is undeniably topical.


Bücher im Gespräch

Episode 1: Hegels Logik

For our podcast, Patrick Eiden-Offe talked to Falko Schmieder about his book. (in German)



Mobile Academy
14 Oct 2022 · 7.30 pm

Patrick Eiden-Offe: Hegel, Hegel, Hegel: Die Übung ist das Werkzeug der Veränderung

Haus der Berliner Festspiele, Schaperstrasse 24, 10719 Berlin

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Media Response

03 Apr 2021
Den forbudte lyst ved at læse Hegels “Logik”

Review by Lotte List, in: Dagbladet Information (3 Apr 2021), 21

02 Mar 2021
Im Spiel der Sprache kommen Begriffe in Bewegung

Nichts bleibt halt, was es gewesen ist: Patrick Eiden-Offe unterwirft sich auf lehrreiche Weise dem Exerzitium der Lektüre von Hegels »Logik«. Review by Christoph Menke, in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (2 Mar 2021), 10

01 Mar 2021
Gelungene Bewältigungsversuche

Review by Jana Volkmann, in: Tagebuch. Zeitschrift für Auseinandersetzung Nr. 3 (2021)

03 Feb 2021
Die Wahrheit ohne Hülle

Review by Thomas Steinfeld, in: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 3 Feb 2021

30 Dec 2020
Trost und Rat durch Hegels “Logik”

Interview by Lukas Wieselberg with Patrick Eiden-Offe, in: science.orf.at, 30 Dec 2020

05 Dec 2020
Patrick Eiden-Offe: “Hegels ‘Logik’ lesen”

Short review by Marlen Hobrack, in: taz am wochenende, annual review on literature, 5 Dec 2020

11 Nov 2020
Das Ganze denken. Bücher zum Hegeljahr

Collective reviews by Josef Früchtl, in: Philosophie Magazin 55.1 (2021), 84–85 (fee required)

25 Aug 2020
Patrick Eiden-Offe und Sebastian Ostritsch über Hegel und seine ‘Logik’

Radio review, in: Deutschlanfunk, program Büchermarkt, 25 Aug 2020 (from 6:25)