Tagung in Kooperation mit Gabriele Tomasi (Universität Padova)
14.12.2017 – 15.12.2017

Philosophy as/and/of Literature. On the Cognitive Value of Literature

Ort: Universität Padova, Via 8 Febbraio, 2 - 35122 Padova (IT)
Organisiert von Francesco Campana (ZfL), Gabriele Tomasi (Universität Padova)

Tagung an der Universität Padova, organisiert von Francesco Campana und Gabriele Tomasi (Universität Padova). Die Veranstaltung wird unterstützt vom Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology der Universität Padova und dem PhD Course Philosophie.

In his Critique of Judgment, Kant affirms that an »aesthetic judgment is unique in kind and provides absolutely no cognition (not even a confused one) of the object«; it brings to our attention »only the purposive form in the [way] the presentational powers are determined in their engagement with the object«.

The cognitive value of art is a long lasting topic in philosophical debates and becomes even more complex if we take literature into account, i.e. an art that makes use of a verbal and even conceptual dimensions. Can we learn anything from literature? What kind of possible knowledge can we gain from it? Can we come to know something true through fiction? Can we acquire a general wisdom or a particular expertise from it?

This kind of problem calls into question the more general relationship between philosophy and literature. From Ancient Greek Thought to Classic German Philosophy, from Marxist analysis of literature to Structuralist investigations on its nature, from the Phenomenological and Hermeneutical conceptions of the 20th Century about the truth in the arts to the debate between cognitivists and anti-cognitivists in the Analytical Tradition, the connection (and sometimes struggle) between philosophy and literature has produced many insights, positions, and approaches.

With the title Philosophy as/and/of Literature – which clearly recalls Arthur C. Danto’s renowned article – this workshop aims to discuss the relationship between the two disciplines, with a particular focus on the cognitive value of literature.


Donnerstag, 14.12.2017
Aula Diano – Palazzo Liviano
14.00 Uhr
Chair: Gabriele Tomasi
14.15 Uhr
Eileen John: Fables and philosophy: stories for people who know too many stories
15.15 Uhr
Francesco Campana: Dialectical Affinities: Remarks on Philosophy, Literature, and Knowledge
Chair: Jan Czarnecki
16.45 Uhr
Giuseppe Spolaore: Agency and literary truth
17.45 Uhr
Mario Farina: The cognitive value of form in the context of literary fragmentation
Freitag, 15.12.2017
Aula A – Palazzo Liviano
Chair: Francesco Campana
10.30 Uhr
Peter Lamarque: Truth in Poetry: a Matter of Detail
11.45 Uhr
Jan Czarnecki: Truth in Fiction. Ingarden's Quasi-Judgments Revisited
Aula Diano – Palazzo Liviano
Chair: Mario Farina
14.30 Uhr
Carola Barbero: Why is reading literature important for us?
15.45 Uhr
Alberto L. Siani: Nowhere between river and road. Thomas Nagel and Cormac McCarthy
17.00 Uhr
Alberto Voltolini: What We Learn from Literary Authors
18.00 Uhr