»Hopes: Place Making and Space Creating in Walter Benjamin«
Keynote von Andrew Benjamin

Keynote von Andrew Benjamin im Rahmen der 2021 Conference of the International Walter Benjamin Society: Hoffnung – mit Benjamin neu denken, 4.–6.11.2021

If hope were not singular, what would it become? Rather than allow room for an insistent hopelessness, hope has to be connected to the creation of spaces arising from the suspension of dominant organizational logics. There is no longer a ‘straight gate.’ There are only threshold conditions and disclosed spaces of interruption. If, now, there is a thinking of hope then it has to be present within a plurality of hopes.

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Eine Kooperation von International Walter Benjamin Society, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, und dem ZfL.

Video: © Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte


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»Hope and the Lessons of Experience«. Keynote von Eva Geulen

»Piano Music from 1920s Berlin: Childhood and Revolution«. Klavierkonzert von Samuel Draper
[auf Youtube]


Hoffnung – mit Benjamin neu denken

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