On the left of the picture there is a sheet of paper with illegible handwriting, on the right of the picture there is a painting of a procession with a large decorated wooden wagon in the middle, on which there is a figure with a red coat and crown.

Cultures of Miracle. Processional Theater and the Cult of Images as Global Network Phenomena in the Early Modern Era

The early modern celebration and spectacle culture connected distant cultural areas. Sacralizing urban spaces, it included theater and processions with vivid images. With the expansion of the Spanish empire from the 15th century onwards, the Christological idea of incarnation and the corporeal veneration of images that came with it reached as far as Latin America and Asia: They become evident in the Mexican allegory plays of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz as well as in the Philippine re-enactments of the crucifixion motif, the theatricalized miracles of Peruvian relics and the performance of mystery plays in Japan. Starting from Hispanic liturgical drama, the project examines these ritualized forms of play for their global implementations of the Christian miracle complex. The project asks specifically how the religious theatrical genres performatively observe and negotiate the practices of gazing and the aesthetic techniques of what remains to be defined as cultures of miracle.

The wide range of material, iconic, kinetic, and linguistic forms of representation that are applied in processional theater and the cult of images reveal a notorious desire for the vivification and realistic reproduction of the transcendent. What can be found in the groups of colored wooden sculptures on their processional carts, in the imágenes de vestir (clothed figures of saints), the tableaux vivants of silent and motionless performers, in the mute dancers and mimics of the interludes, or in the moving, spoken, and sung sacramental play with its flying personae and transforming objects, is an extraordinary variety of perceptual dispositives for the embodiment of the unseen. For the Spanish Siglo de Oro (1550–1700), the emergence of presence in visionary painting and liturgical drama can be “reduced to the common ground of the miracle” (Belting/Stoichita). Miracles as religious forms designate a “narrative genre” and “social fact” and can thus be described in their respective historical context and contemporary functions as well as in their diversity of perception (Auffahrt).

By reappraising the cross-spatial genre history of the Spanish Corpus Christi play (auto sacramental), the project brings into view the global circulation of Hispanic patterns of miracle. In the process, the strategies of representation inherent in miracle cultures, always teetering on the animistic, become an important component of the cultural delimitation of Europe from its colonial heterotopias. The project will examine the reflection of these mechanisms of suppression in the early modern liturgical drama of the Hispanicized world, in particular through the synchronous network of practices of performance in Latin American, Southeast Asian, and Spanish sacramental plays.

Fig. above:
Title page sacrament play, Source: Lope de Vega: La Margarita Preciosa. Auto Sacramental, manuscript of the National Library of Spain about 1601, 1 [left]
Corpus Christi Procession Lima, Peru (anonymous, 1674–1680, Parroquia del Hospital de los Naturales), Source: Luis Peirano Falconi/Lucila Castro de Trelles (eds.): Teatro y Fe: Los autos sacramentales en el Peru, Lima: Pontífica Universidad Católica del Perú 2008, 147 [right]

funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) 2020–2026
Head researcher(s): Johanna Abel


Johanna Abel, Johannes Gebhardt, Sven Jakstat

Die Inszenierung der ›Sagrada Forma‹ im Real Monasterio de El Escorial

Wallstein, Göttingen 2021, 192 pages
ISBN 978-3-8353-5040-3

Johanna Abel



22 Mar 2024 · 4.10 pm

Johanna Abel: Processional theatre as “poético numen”: a global performance genre in the early modern Hispanic world

Chicago, USA

24 Nov 2023 · 2.30 pm

Johanna Abel: Abjekte Wiederverkörperung im Sakraltheater. Idolatriefigur und animierte Hostie als ‘imagines agentes’ im hispanischen Geistlichen Spiel

Freie Universität Berlin, EXC 2020 “Temporal Communities”, room 00.05, Otto-von-Simson-Str. 15, 14195 Berlin

24 Feb 2023 · 11.15 am

Johanna Abel: Mother of Pearl and Flowering Body: On the Transmaterial Staging of Miracles in Hispanic Liturgical Drama of the Early Modern Period

Warburg-Haus Hamburg, Heilwigstraße 116, 20249 Hamburg

06 May 2022

Johanna Abel: Staging the King’s Image: The Dynamics of Presence in Spanish Sacramental Plays

Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

05 Oct 2021 · 2.30 pm

Johanna Abel: “Abrázanse las dos”: Berührung und Kontakt als kinästhetische Verfahren im hispanischen Geistlichen Spiel

Augsburg University
