Soviet Dissidence and the Public during De- and Re-Stalinization
The historiography of the Soviet dissident movement usually takes the end of the 1960s as its starting point and concentrates on turning points at which Soviet citizens began to protest publicly. The studies presented here take on a different perspective. They explore the gradual development of social behaviors beginning with the transition towards post-Stalinism, i.e., behaviors in public gatherings, or in correspondences – with government agencies or with Soviet as well as Western journalists and politicians, etc. The national public and the dissident counter-public are not viewed as pre-existing opposites in this frame of research. Instead, the analysis focuses on the ways in which the legal and journalistic debates constituted themselves in the first place. Furthermore, it looks to contribute practices and discourses.
Currently, the investigation takes place in different formats: The Dissident Library and a project on Moscow Dissidents in the Accounts of Pavel Litvinov, funded by the Andrei Sakharov Foundation.
From October 2022 until March 2023, the project was funded by the ZfL and the Leibniz Association’s Matching Support Fund for Researchers at Risk in the Ukraine War and from April until September 2022 by a Memory Work scholarship of the Federal Foundation for the Study of the Communist Dictatorship in Eastern Germany.
Fig. above: Russian samizdat publications and photo negatives of unofficial literature in the USSR, © Nkrita, Moscow 2017, License CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Wikimedia
What is Dissidence? Experiencing Protest and Dissent in Eastern Europe
Authoritarian tendencies in Hungary and Slovakia, dictatorial regimes in Belarus and the Russian Federation, the appropriation of symbols and figures of protest from state-socialist times by nationalist and right-wing movements and parties in Germany: in light of these challenges in the Eastern parts of Europe, it is more crucial than ever to explore forms and practices of dissidence. What did it mean in Socialism to articulate and live criticism, protest, resistance, and refusal? How is dissidence shaped today?
Starting from these questions, the pop-up exhibition “What is dissidence?” is being developed together with the Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO) in Leipzig. The project is funded by the Leibniz Lab Disruptions and Transformations. The exhibition, which will be shown at highly frequented places such as public libraries, town halls, churches, community colleges, district centers, and sports clubs in Berlin-Brandenburg and Saxony, has three goals:
- Through the exemplary depiction of important historical events, actors, and concepts, the exhibition educates visitors about dissidence in Eastern Europe and its importance for societal upheavals and transformations.
- By addressing differences and similarities between historical and contemporary uses of the concept of “dissidence,” and by exploring the role of the individual in society, as well as forms of engagement and assimilation, the exhibition facilitates a more precise understanding of (civil) societal engagement.
- Analog and digital exchange formats invite the visitors to contribute their own experiences, criticism, (dissenting) opinions, and open questions. There will be pinboards where they can leave questions and comments. There will also be a digital platform as well as accompanying film screenings and discussions where visitors can directly engage with the project’s researchers.
The Dissident Library
since 2021
The Dissident Library aims to intervene in the academic discourse on the Soviet movement of dissidents and strives to make their methodological objectives and results available to a broader public. The project consists of a series of online seminars conceived by the now-liquidated human rights organization International Memorial. It connects scholars from around the world. The seminar also features smaller formats with individual authors. Discussions with contemporary witnesses (especially dissidents and authors of the first monographs on dissidence from the 1970s and 1980s) focus on the contextualization and historicization of earlier research. This will result in a digital library of dissidence that—while taking into account different research perspectives and understandings of concepts—collects audio and video materials as well as contemporary documents.
Moscow Dissidents in the Accounts of Pavel Litvinov: Debates on Values, Goals and Alliances
April 2023–December 2024
This project is based on my interviews with Pavel Litvinov (recorded since 2019), one of the key figures in the Moscow dissident circle of the late 1960s. Pavel Litvinov’s name consistently appears in works on the dissident movement in the USSR, a movement that focused on a moral, symbolic protest rather than a political opposition, especially in connection with the demonstration of the Eight on Moscow’s Red Square in August 1968 against the invasion of Czechoslovakia. Litvinov compiled collections of trial documents as an alternative to the reports of state institutions and the press; he communicated with Western politicians and journalists, and he established contacts with other dissident groups in other cities and republics of the USSR.
Drawing on this material and my interviews with Litvinov, the project aims to clarify the program of the Moscow dissidents—a program that focused on rejecting both political activity as “dirty” and party discipline in favor of a society based on Western values as seen from Moscow without normal access to Western press and political documents. This revolves primarily around the notion of “public” which Litvinov and Larisa Bogoraz problematized in their open letter “To World Public Opinion” (1968).
The project will bring forth a commented edition of selected interviews with Pavel Litvinov supported by the publication of archival material as well as interviews I have conducted with other individuals active in the dissident movement. These interviews try to reflect on the memoirs of other participants in the dissident movement that have been published over the last forty years. Through these interviews, the project will analyze the social influence of the Moscow circle of dissidents inside and outside the USSR and its characteristics without applying these characteristics to “Soviet dissidents” as a whole.
Between Literature and Forgery. Court Records in the Trial against Joseph Brodsky
October 2022–March 2023
The project will examine the trial against author Joseph Brodsky (1940–1996) who, in 1964, was sentenced to five years in exile on charges of “social parasitism,” but soon thereafter, in 1965, returned to Leningrad after an intervention by Soviet and Western intellectuals. In post-Stalinist times, the trial was the first in which the audience created and distributed alternative court records. One of these records made it to the West and made the Brodsky case known there as well. Just like the open letters, this record is viewed as a form of journalism and analyzed as a genre oscillating between literature and law, prose and document. The analysis will focus on ways in which the individuals involved (defendants, attorneys, supporters) developed their own juridical rhetoric, discursive strategies, and forms of communication as a result of an intense engagement with institutions and representatives of Soviet law. They did this to redefine their place in society and force the state to engage with the opposition’s arguments and accusations.
April–September 2022
The archive seminar compiles comments on open letters by Soviet dissidents. In an authoritarian, enclosed society, open letters create accessible public spaces for debates on socially important questions banned from official media. E.g., Soviet dissidents reported on human rights violations in open letters that were quoted by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. Today, many of these letters can be found in the Archiv Samizdata, a collection of unofficial, self-published documents spread across different institutions worldwide. Thanks to its online format, the archive seminar enables collaboration among participants of students from different universities and countries.
«Быть тебе в каталожке...»
Сборник в честь 80-летия Габриэля Суперфина
Olga Rosenblum
- «Plochimi metodami ne postroisch' khoroschee obschestvo.» Diskussii o (ne)nasilii, politike i besovschine v moskovskikh dissidentskikh krugakh 1960-1970-kh gg. [“A good society cannot be built with bad methods.” Discussions about (non-)violence, politics and devildom in Moscow dissident circles in the 1960s and 1970s], in: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie 184 (2023), 285–300
- Obshestvennyj, narodnyj, metaforicheskij? Sud nad Iosifom Brodskim v zapisi Fridy Vigdorovoi. [People's, Social, or Metaphoric Court? The Trial of Joseph Brodsky as Recorded by Frida Vigdorova], in: Olga Rosenblum, Ilja Kukuj (eds.): «Byt' tebe v katalozhke... »: Sbornik v chest' 80-letija Gabrielja Superfina [“Jailed and Сlassified”. Collection for the 80th anniversary of Gabriel Superfin], Frankfurt M.: Esterum Publishing 2023, 507–535
Olga Rosenblum: Ideal Projects, Failed Practice: A Pluralistic Journal in Pavel Litvinov’s Memoirs
Stanford University
The Dissident Library: Movement of a New Type? Spontaneity and Consciousness Inside the Soviet Dissident Movement
online via Zoom
Olga Rosenblum: Human Rights Discourse within the Human Rights Movement: Disputes over Terms
Boston, MA, USA
Liberation from Violence: The Anthropology of Nonviolence in Russian Cultural History
Boston, MA, USA
Olga Rosenblum: Judases-informers and Cains-conformists: Classifying Guilt for repression under Stalin in Vasily Grossman’s Novel “Everything Flows”
Georgetown University, Intercultural Center (ICC), 1501 Tondorf Rd, Washington, DC 20057, USA
The Dissident Library: Dissidence and (Literary) Nonconformism
online via Zoom
The Dissident Library: Soviet Studies in the FRG: The Cultural Dimension
online via Zoom
The Dissident Library: Soviet Dissident Studies in the FRG: The Political Dimension
online via Zoom
The Dissident Library: Tamizdat: Contraband Russian Literature of the Cold War Era
online via Zoom
Olga Rosenblum: Gründe für den Rückzug: Pavel Litvinov über die Nicht-Kooperation mit der Zeitschrift “Continent”
Zukunft Memorial e.V., Pariser Platz 4a, 10117 Berlin
Olga Rosenblum: Rechtsbeistand und humanitäre Hilfe: Aktuelle Möglichkeiten im Arbeitsalltag russischer Menschenrechtsverteidiger
University of Konstanz, building D, room 433, Universitätsstraße 10, 78464 Konstanz
The Dissident Library: “Weapons of the Weak” in the USSR and Russia: from 1953 to 2023
online via Zoom
The Dissident Library: Religious Life in the Late Soviet Union
online via Zoom
Olga Rosenblum: Open Letters by Pavel Litvinov: Addressees and Directions of Polemics
Università di Pisa, Dipartimento di Filologia, Letteratura e Linguistica, Aula Magna di Palazzo Boilleau, Via Santa Maria 85, 56126 Pisa, Italy
Olga Rosenblum: Между грехом и Handlungsspielraum: Иуды Гроссмана в контексте других попыток рубежа 1950–1960-х гг. описать ответственность за репрессии
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Largo Gemelli 1, 20123 Milano, Italy
The Dissident Library: Philosophical Categories in Dissidents’ Statements
online via Zoom
The Dissident Library: Jewish Underground Culture as (Non-)Dissidence
online via Zoom
The Right to Testify. The Public Status of the Witness in Times of Social Change
Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur, Kronenstraße 5, 10117 Berlin
The Dissident Library: Russian Dissidents and France: Context, Texts, Actions of Solidarity, and Research
online via Zoom
Olga Rosenblum: “Human Rights” vs “Truth”: Pavel Litvinov’s Polemic against Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Slavisches Seminar der Universität Tübingen, Wilhelmstraße 50, 72074 Tübingen, Hörsaal 426
The Dissident Library: Das Leben schreiben. Warlam Schalamow: Biographie und Poetik
online via Zoom
Olga Rosenblum: Schestidesjatniki und Generationsproblematik zwischen Khrushchev und Perestrojka
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Dorotheenstr., 65, Raum 5.57
The Dissident Library: Soviet Samizdat: Imagining a New Society
online via Zoom
Olga Rosenblum: Individuals, Not Politicians: Soviet Dissidents in Search of (Political) Contacts in the Mid-1970s
The Palmer House Hilton, 17 E Monroe St, Chicago, IL 60603, USA
Olga Rosenblum: “You’ll excuse me for putting your name next to Aldan-Semenov’s...”: literary connotations in concentration camp literature of the first half of the 1960s
Università degli Studi di Milano, Sala Napoleonica, Via Sant’Antonio, 12, 20122 Milano, Italien
The Dissident Library: Kulturraum Lager. Politische Haft und dissidentisches Selbstverständnis in der Sowjetunion nach Stalin
online via Zoom
Olga Rosenblum: Menschen(rechte) in Russland zu verteidigen – 1960er bis 2020er
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Neuphilologisches Institut - Lehrstuhl für Literatur und Kultur Russlands, Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg, Raum: 1.004 (Zentrales HS- und Seminargebäude)
Olga Rosenblum: Sowjetische Dissidenten in der Auseinandersetzung mit den Behörden: Verteidigung der Menschenrechte als (keine) Politik
Freie Universität Berlin, Osteuropa-Institut, Garystraße 55, Raum 101
The Dissident Library: The Abuse of Psychiatry
online via Zoom
Olga Rosenblum: Menschenrechte zu verteidigen: zwischen Moral und Politik, zwischen Literatur und Recht, zwischen den 1970ern und 2020ern
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Universitätsstr. 150, 44801 Bochum, Raum GABF 05/602
The Dissident Library: Non-Conformists. The Ukrainian Intelligentsia in the Dissident Movement, 1960s–1980s
online via Zoom
The Dissident Library: The Oxford Handbook of Soviet Underground Culture
online via Zoom
7 Oct 2023 Audio
“Открытые письма как форма публичной рефлексии”
Podcast with Olga Rosenblum
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