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08.02.2024 · 16.30 Uhr

Oxana Timofeeva: How to Love a Homeland

Ort: Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Ilse-Zimmermann-Saal, Pariser Str. 1, 10719 Berlin
Kontakt: (Anmeldung)
ZfL-Projekt(e): AK Semi-Peripheral Theory

For the first session of the new working group Semi-Peripheral Theory | Tendencies of Contemporary Theory Production in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe, our guest will be Oxana Timofeeva, who will discuss aspects of her autotheoretical inquiry How to Love a Homeland (2021).

Oxana Timofeeva is a member of the artistic collective Chto Delat (What is to be done). She is the author of the books Solar Politics (Polity 2022), How to Love a Homeland (Kayfa ta 2020), History of Animals (Bloomsbury 2018), This is not That (in Russian, Ivan Limbakh Publishing House 2022), Introduction to the Erotic Philosophy of Georges Bataille (in Russian, New Literary Observer 2009), and other writings.

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