Synergy. A History of Knowledge

The term ‘synergy’ (from the Greek συνεργία, ‘working together’) is, in its most general sense, used to describe cooperative interactions and structural formations in nature, art, and society, which lead, or are supposed to lead, to a new quality. Inspired by Richard Buckminster Fuller’s work on synergetic planning and design as well as the synergetic model developed by the physicist Hermann Haken, concepts of synergy have emerged as a productive paradigm in interdisciplinary research and areas of practical application at the beginning of the 21st century. They gave new theoretical impulses to numerous disciplines such as psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, sociology, economy, and theology.

The notion of synergy opens up new connections between the natural sciences, the humanities, and the arts. But how do synergetic models intervene in generating and structuring knowledge and how might they contribute in the long term to innovation in our knowledge-based society? Focused by specific research tasks as well as our interdisciplinary Forum SynergieWissen, the project aimed to contribute to a general history of knowledge about synergy/synergetics. The project’s Wiki-Platform SynergieWissen gives insights into our work.

Funded by the Volkswagen Foundation “Pro Humanities – Dilthey-Fellowship” 2010–2021
Head researcher(s): Tatjana Petzer
Guest(s): Igor Polianski


Synergeia. Technology and Faith in the Slavia Orthodoxa

Associate Researcher(s): Tatjana Petzer


Tatjana Petzer investigated synergy concepts from the Slavic-Orthodox cultural sphere and their religious prefigurations. The research project took up the idea that Russian modernism was influenced by the doctrine of synérgeia, the interaction between human and divine energies in theosis. Russian religious philosophy translates this synergetic, transformative potential into modern terms that complement the discourse on humans as synergoi of nature from the realm of natural philosophy and holism. Petzer’s study analyzed the synergy paradigm within the contexts of ideological theories, aesthetic concepts of transformation, and future technology—factors that have drawn special attention thanks to cutting-edge thinkers working between disciplines and their sense of crisis around 1900 as they strove to create a “new humanity.”

Interpreting Nature. On the Theological Reception of Synergetics

Associate Researcher(s): Stephan Steiner

files/zfl/fotos/projekte/synergie-technik-glaube/synergie-steiner.jpgStephan Steiner’s research was devoted to a scientific-historical reconstruction of the current theological reception of synergetics, as it aimed to clarify the basic concept of nature. The search for mediation between religion and science—characteristic of 20th-century debates—formed the background of this exchange. Theological discussions of synergetics were focused on the desideratum of a holistic understanding of nature. The prevailing gap between scientific and everyday experience—illustrated by the disjunction between science’s mathematized understanding of nature and ‘naïve’ ethical, aesthetic or religious views of nature—appeared increasingly problematic from such a perspective. Today, in Christian (Alexandre Ganoczy) as well as in Jewish contexts (Edgar Morin), synergetics constitutes a framework that allows for dealing with the multidimensional facets of nature. As a theory of interaction, synergetics promises to sidestep the hostile antagonism of the dismembered notions of nature and, through a hermeneutical project, replace them with an interdisciplinary, multilayered description of reality. The project thus addressed the heterogeneous symbolizations of nature and analyzed their interwoven complexity.

Science and Prophecy in the Literature of the Russian Avant-Garde

Dissertation project 2010–2012
Associate Researcher(s): Anar Imanov


The search for the synthesis of art, religion, and science in Russian modernity resulted in the development of new artistic methods that engendered a complex conception of the future. The dissertation seeked to comprehend this universalistic conception as it appears in Russian avant-garde literature, one that takes shape before the backdrop of changing knowledge and science systems in modernity. Employing projective thinking and prophetic writing, this conception mediates between the organic and the material, phantasms and knowledge, faith and reason. Considering the poetic-scientific visions of Velimir Chlebnikov and other writings from the futurist movement, Anar Imanov analyzed aesthetic schemes and literary objectives that, through the speech acts of prophecy, entangled literature with the scientific disciplines, as well as with scientific mythologems.

Immortality (Anthology)


Editor: Tatjana Petzer


Since the fin de siècle modern research and technology have taken inspiration from dreams of extending longevity, resurrecting the dead, and elevating humans to a higher form of existence. Historical and more recent texts by Slavic authors, reflecting about potential immortality and recognizing possible means and ways to eternal physical existence in the developments of experimental disciplines such as bionics, electrophysiology, genetics, gerontology, immunology, cybernetics, transplantation medicine, cell biology, or cryobiology, were examined. A selection of these texts, which not only engaged with contemporary debates on immortality, but also left a culturally specific mark on the corpus immortalis, have been translated and published in an annotated anthology.


Ernst Müller (ed./eds.)


ed. by Tatjana Petzer
E-JOURNAL (2023) 12th YEAR / ISSUE 1
Berlin 2023, 72 pages
ISSN 2195-0598
DOI 10.13151/fib.2023.01
Tatjana Petzer (ed./eds.)

Slawische Variationen

Matthes & Seitz, Berlin 2021, 495 pages
ISBN 978-3-75180-343-4
Tatjana Petzer

Wissen und Glaube
Figurationen des Synergos in der slavischen Moderne

Wilhelm Fink, Leiden 2020, 372 pages
ISBN 978-3-7705-6558-0 (Print); 978-3-8467-6558-6 (E-Book)
Tatjana Petzer (ed./eds.)


Berlin 2018, 64 pages
DOI 10.13151/IJ.2018.12
Tatjana Petzer, Stephan Steiner (ed./eds.)

Kultur- und Wissensgeschichte einer Denkfigur

Wilhelm Fink Verlag, München 2016, 403 pages
ISBN 978-3-7705-5896-4

Tatjana Petzer

  • Paradoxien der Unsterblichkeit, in: ZfL Blog, 4 Oct 2022
  • Ageless, Vital, Immortal. Human Transformation in 20th-Century Russian Science and Literature, in: Dagmar Gramshammer-Hohl, Oana Hergenröther (eds.): Foreign Countries of Old Age. East and Southeast European Perspectives on Aging. Bielefeld: transcript 2021, 253–269
  • Synergiewissen als Freies Wissen, in: ZfL Blog, 12 Nov 2018
  • Slavische Variationen der Unsterblichkeit, in: Sebastian Kempgen, Monika Wingender, Ludgar Udolph (eds.): Deutsche Beiträge um 16. Internationalen Slavistenkongress, Belgrad 2018 (= Die Welt der Slaven. Sammelbände 63). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2018, 491–511
  • Synergie, in: Falko Schmieder, Georg Toepfer (eds.): Wörter aus der Fremde. Begriffsgeschichte als Übersetzungsgeschichte. Berlin: Kulturverlag Kadmos 2017, 191–194
  • Auferweckung als Programm. Entgrenzungen des Lebendigen in der russischen Moderne, in: Katrin Solhdju, Ulrike Vedder (eds.): Das Leben vom Tode her. Zur Kulturgeschichte einer Grenzziehung. München: Wilhelm Fink 2015, 117–123
  • Symbol und Theurgie. Zur Transformationsästhetik der russischen Moderne, in: Poetica 45.3–4 (2013), 347–375
  • Eisige Archive. Auftauen – Einfrieren – Sondieren – Konservieren, in: Trajekte 27 (2013): Archive der Natur, 8–12
  • Wirksame Worte: Übertragungsphantasien in der russischen Moderne, in: Barbara Gronau (ed.): Szenarien der Energie. Zur Ästhetik und Wissenschaft des Immateriellen. Bielefeld: transcript 2012, 45–66
  • Synergie in Kunst und Konstruktion, in: Forum SynergieWissen ZfL Berlin, 15 Oct 2012 (with Linda Pelchat, Anar Imanov)
  • Synergie – Vom Begriff zur Figur des Wissens, in: Forum SynergieWissen ZfL Berlin, 1 Sep 2012
  • “Das Wort ist synergetisch.” Pavel Florenskijs Kulturtheorie des Zusammenwirkens, in: Forum SynergieWissen ZfL Berlin, 1 Aug 2011
  • Selbstorganisation, Spiel, Synergie, in: Trajekte 22 (2011): Spiel e n, 38–39
  • “Überall ist Energie” Nikola Teslas Entdeckungen und Visionen, in: Trajekte 21 (2010): Visionen, 30–36
  • Kultakte der Wissenschaft. Synergie und Synthese im russischen Kosmismus, in: Nadežda Grigor’eva i.a. (eds.): Das Konzept der Synthese im russischen Denken. Künste – Medien – Diskurse. München i.a.: Sagner 2010, 161–182

Anar Imanov

  • Wissenschaft und Prophetie in der Dichtung der russischen Avantgarde rund um das budetljanische Gamma, in: Nina Frieß, Gunnar Lenz, Erik Martin (eds.): Grenzräume – Grenzbewegungen. Ergebnisse der Arbeitstreffen des JFSL Basel 2013/Frankfurt (Oder) und Słubice 2014, Bd. 2. Potsdam: Universitätsverlag Potsdam 2016, 73–85
  • Velimir Chlebnikovs imaginäre Synergie, in: Forum SynergieWissen ZfL Berlin, 1 Aug 2011

Stephan Steiner


25 Sep 2019 · 3.55 pm

Tatjana Petzer: Ausgraben, Ausforschen, Auslegen. Danilo Kišs Arbeit am Dokument

Universität Trier, Universitätsring 15D, 54296 Trier

17 Sep 2019 · 3.45 pm

Tatjana Petzer: Rhythms of Creation. Approaching Stanislav Vinaver’s Modernism

Space04, Kunsthaus Graz, Lendkai 1, 8020 Graz (AT)

18 May 2019 · 2.50 pm

Tatjana Petzer: The Making of »Homo immortalis«

Universität St. Petersburg, Universitätsufer (Университетская наб.) 7/9, 199034 St. Petersburg (Russland)

Lecture at the XVI. International Congress of Slavists
21 Aug 2018 · 9.00 am

Tatjana Petzer: Slavische Variationen der Unsterblichkeit

Universität Belgrad, Philosophische Fakultät, Studentski Trg. 3, R. 228 (SRB)

07 Nov 2017 · 2.00 pm

Literatur & Revolution. 100 Jahre Oktoberrevolution

MLU Halle-Wittenberg, Universitätsring 5, 06108 Halle (Saale), Hallischer Saal

05 Jul 2017 · 10.00 am

Synergietalks16: Unsterblichkeit. Geschichte und Zukunft des Homo immortalis

ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, 3. Et., Seminarraum 303

Buchpräsentation und Gespräch
29 Jun 2016 · 6.00 pm

Synergietalks 15: Synergie. Kultur- und Wissensgeschichte einer Denkfigur

ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, 3. Et., Trajekte-Tagungsraum

Forum SynergieWissen
27 Apr 2016 · 4.00 pm

Synergietalks 14: »Wurmloch« und »Dunkle Energie«. Fiktive Entitäten und ihr exploratives Potential für die Theoretische Physik

ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, Seminarraum 303

Forum SynergieWissen
03 Feb 2016 · 4.00 pm

Synergietalks 13: Deleuzes Falte. Begriff, Textur, Perzeption

ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, Seminarraum 303

Forum SynergieWissen
28 May 2014 · 4.00 pm

Synergietalks 12: Synergie und Sympathie. Sozialphilosophische Überlegungen

ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, 4. Et., Seminarraum 403

Forum SynergieWissen
23 May 2014 · 11.00 am

Synergietalks 11: The Vibratory Cultures of Modern Art

ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, 3. Et., Seminarraum 303

Forum SynergieWissen
12 Feb 2014 · 4.00 pm

Synergietalks 10: Synergie, Kooperation und Emergenz. Zauberworte zur Erklärung eines Ganzen aus seinen Teilen

ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, 3. Et., Seminarraum 303

Forum SynergieWissen
22 Jan 2014 · 4.00 pm

Synergietalks 09: Synergien zwischen moralischer Vergewisserung und wissenschaftlicher Forschung. Kants Beschluss

ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, 3. Et., Seminarraum 303

Forum SynergieWissen
05 Jul 2013

Synergietalks 08: Symbol & Theurgie. Die Transformationsästhetik der russischen Moderne

ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, 3. Et., Seminarraum 303

Forum SynergieWissen
02 Nov 2012 · 10.00 am

Synergietalks 07: Emergenz und Innovation. Dynamiken des Neuen in Natur und Kultur

ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, 3. Et., Seminarraum 303

Forum SynergieWissen
04 Jul 2012 · 4.00 pm

Synergietalks 06: Synergie – eine Elementaridee an der Nahtstelle von Religion und Medizin

ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, 3. Et., Seminarraum 303

30 May 2012 · 8.00 pm

Klaus Mainzer (München): Intelligente Systeme. Von der Evolution des Gehirns zur Robotik und künstlichen Intelligenz

Jeschke van Vliet Kunstauktionen, Schützenstr. 39, 10117 Berlin

Forum SynergieWissen
30 May 2012 · 4.00 pm

Synergietalks 05: Komplexität in Theorie und Praxis

ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, 3. Et., Seminarraum 303

Forum SynergieWissen
25 Apr 2012 · 4.00 pm

Synergietalks 04: Zusammenschlüsse. Konzepte der Symbiose in Biologie und Soziologie

ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, 3. Et., Seminarraum 303

Forum SynergieWissen
18 Jan 2012 · 4.00 pm

Synergietalks 03: R. B. Fuller, Synergy und Prognostik

ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, 3. Et., Seminarraum 303

Forum SynergieWissen
07 Dec 2011 · 4.00 pm

Synergietalks 02: Die Teile des Ganzen. Lektüren zu Elementen und Relationen in Systemen

ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, 3. Et., Seminarraum 303

Forum SynergieWissen
26 Oct 2011 · 4.00 pm

Synergietalks 01: Beyond Reductionism

ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, 3. Et., Seminarraum 303

29 Jun 2011 · 8.00 pm

Vorschule der Synergetik. Buckminster Fullers Lehre vom Zusammenwirken more geometrico

Zfl, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, 3. Et., Trajekte-Tagungsraum 308

Internationaler Workshop
29 Jun 2011 – 01 Jul 2011 · 2.00 am

Synergie. Konzepte – Techniken – Perspektiven

ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, 3. Et., Trajekte-Tagungsraum 308
