Press Services

On our website, the research section provides detailed information on the ZfL's current and completed research projects.
The profile pages introduce the researchers, staff and guests who are currently working at ZfL.
The ZfL BLOG offers up-to-date insights into the diversity of topics at ZfL.

You can receive regular information on events and announcements of new publications via our newsletter if you subscribe to here.
The latest news and events can also be found on our homepage.

ZfL is also active on Bluesky, Facebook and X.

List of Experts

Our researchers are happy to provide members of the press with information related to their areas of expertise.
The links will take you to the personal pages of our colleagues, where you will also find their telephone numbers and email addresses.
For further inquiries please contact Dirk Naguschewski, responsible for the Knowledge transfer and Communication department.

