Archives of research projects
In 2019, the ZfL was included into the joint research funding of the federal and state governments. Since then, the ZfL has been part of the Leibniz Association.
Prior to that, following an excellent evaluation from the German Council of Science and Humanities, from 2008–2019 the ZfL has been funded with a yearly budget of nearly 2.5 million Euros provided by the state of Berlin and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Alongside this financial support, individual projects have been funded by the German Research Society (DFG), the Volkswagen Foundation (VolkswagenStiftung) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
From 1996–2007 the ZfL was supported by the state of Berlin and the German Research Society (DFG). The institute managed to procure additional financial support from diverse institutions such as the German Research Society (DFG), the Volkswagen Foundation (VolkswagenStiftung), the Fritz Thyssen Foundation (Fritz Thyssen Stiftung), the Kulturstiftung des Bundes, the Capital Cultural Fund (Hauptstadtkulturfonds), the Stiftung Preußische Seehandlung, and the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.).
Projects, completed or processed in the past at the ZfL
(selection, sorted chronologically by the year of completion)
Creativity and Computation: a History of the Mathematical Sublime
2023–2024 -
Gestures of Community: Reading Hölderlin with Benjamin, Landauer, and Rosenzweig
2021–2024 -
Post-Global Aesthetics
2023–2024 -
The Meaning of Dialectics in Ruy Fausto
2024 -
The Opposite Sex: A History
2023–2024 -
Al-Andalus and the Origins of Orientalism: “Ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān” and its Journey through the European Enlightenment
2021–2023 -
Arendt, the Anthropocene, and Narrative
2022–2023 -
Crisis, Critique, Governance: The History of the Theory of Liberalism and its Concepts
2022–2023 -
Exploration of the Carlo Barck Archive. Extra-European Relations in the Conception of the “Basic Concepts of Aesthetics”
2021–2023 -
2011–2023 -
Incorporating Innovation. Structural Moments in the History of Theory and Literary Studies (1870/1970)
2021–2023 -
Literature in Georgia. Between Small Literature and World Literature
2020–2023 -
Of Awful Connections, East German Primitives, and the New Black Berlin Wall. Germany and German History in African-American Literature
2019–2023 -
Redemption Through Return
2020–2023 -
The Meaning of Humanities in Modern Society. A Study of J. Ritter’s Compensation Theory
2023 -
History of (German) Literary Histories
2021–2022 -
Lazar Gulkovich: Writings on the History of Concepts (Edition)
2018–2022 -
Living Things, Human Beings: The Entanglements of the Organism
2021–2022 -
Representations of History in British and German Popular Culture Since the 1980s
2022 -
Style and Kitsch around 1900
2019–2022 -
The Mighty Hater: Martin Luther’s Reformations of Rhetoric and Affect
2022 -
Theory in Translation. French Theory in East Central Europe (1960–2000)
2022 -
Early Modes of Writing the Shoah. Practices of Knowledge and Textual Practices of Jewish Survivors in Europe 1942–1965 (PREMEC)
2017–2021 -
Hannah Arendt, Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi and the Limits of Art under Postcolonial Conditions
2020–2021 -
Knowledge of Surroundings in Theatrical Modernity. Milieu – Umwelt – Environment / Hauptmann – Appia – Kiesler
2021 -
Schematism: Poetics on the Way to Kant, 1760–1790
2020–2021 -
Selected Correspondence Between Ernst and Gretha Jünger (1922–1960): Annotated Edition
2020–2021 -
Sound Writing. Experimental Modernism and the Poetics of Articulation
2019–2021 -
Synergy. A History of Knowledge
2010–2021 -
The Science of Character. Human Objecthood and the Ends of Victorian Realism
2020–2021 -
“Formation is Life.” Organicism and Aesthetic Modernism
2020–2021 -
Aby Warburg and Cultures of Religion
2018–2020 -
Archetype and Transformation. Natural Models and the Paradox of Artistic Naturalness
2017–2020 -
Correspondence and Afterlife. Ernst Jünger’s Letter Archive
2015–2020 -
Diffractive Epistemics: Cultures of Knowledge in the Digital Humanities
since 2020 -
Humanitarian Imperatives. Saving Lives from Nautical Distress and Shipwreck in Modern Europe
2019–2020 -
Intimate Images. The History of Radiography in the History of Art
2016–2020 -
The German-Jewish Paul
2019–2020 -
Vagabond Wisdom. Goethe in the Face of the French Revolution
2019–2020 -
Walter Benjamin‘s Journalistic Networks
2019–2020 -
Writing Life. Varlam Shalamov: Biography and Poetics
2016–2020 -
Affective Realism. Contemporary Eastern European Literatures
2017–2019 -
Batumi, Odessa, Trabzon. The Cultural Semantics of the Black Sea from the Perspective of Eastern Port Cities
2016–2019 -
Childhood and the Interaction between Mankind and Nature in Walter Benjamin
2019 -
Contemporary Israeli Prose in German: National Literature or World Literature?
2019 -
Forms and Functions of Relations to the World
2017–2019 -
Hans Blumenberg’s Variations on the End of Theory
2019 -
Iconic Presence. Images in Religion
2015–2019 -
Interferences of technicity, literary form and theory since the 1950s
2018–2019 -
Life Lessons and the Art of Life. Translating Life into Philosophy and the Arts
2017–2019 -
Negative Anthropology. History and Potential of a Discursive Formation
2017–2019 -
Neighborhood in Contemporary Berlin Literature
since 2019 -
Philology’s Figures of Thought and Their Genealogies. Divination and the Organological Conception of the Text
2019 -
Poetics – Marketing – Formal Concession? The Reception of Peritexts in Canonical Works
2017–2019 -
Samuel Beckett's Television Plays. Means of Production, Literary Genres, Critical Theory
2016–2019 -
The Afterlife of the Muse. Balzac, Henry James, Fontane
2019 -
The Broken Medium. An Austrian Modernist Theory of the Event
2018–2019 -
The Formation of Theory and the Critique of ‘Wissenschaft’ in the Early Twentieth Century
2017–2019 -
The Shifting Borders of Biology
2014–2019 -
The Theory and Concept of an Interdisciplinary Conceptual History
Phase I 2008–2013; Phase II 2014–2016; Phase III 2017–2019 -
Theory of Retreat
2015–2019 -
Unity and Multiplicity. Epic Poetics in Late Humanism and Early Enlightenment
2018–2019 -
An Intellectual Biography of the Writer and Philosopher Susan Taubes (1928–1969). A Study of the Paradigmatic Significance of Her Life and Work in the 20th Century
2014–2018 -
At the Limit of the Obscene. Realism, Profanation, Aesthetics
2017–2018 -
Hebrew Literature as Modern Literature. Jewish Writers as Critics of Enlightenment
2015–2018 -
Jacob Taubes in Context. Philosophy of Religion in Germany after 1945
2014–2018 -
Neuro-Psychoanalysis and Pain. Neurosciences between Natural Science and Cultural Studies
2014–2018 -
Paradigms of the Arts in 19th-century German Aesthetics
2017–2018 -
Prophetic politics in transatlantic transfer. Discourses on prophecy in the Weimar Republic and in the USA from the 1940s to the 1960s
2017–2018 -
Technology and Anthropology. Engineering and Humanities in dialogue
2017–2018 -
The Epistemic Reverse Side of Instrumental Images
2013–2018 -
The Faces of Hell. Torsion and Disfiguration in Dante’s “Divina Commedia” and Selected Pictorial Genres
2015–2018 -
The Poetics of the Pathos Formula. At the Intersection of Cultural and Literary Studies
2015–2018 -
The idea of future and contemporary education
2017–2018 -
Practices of Knowledge. Images in the History of Experimental and Applied Life Sciences
2014–2017 -
Security and the Future. A Cultural Studies Approach
2014–2017 -
The Dissonant Gesamtkunstwerk. Wagner Productions between Artistic Craft and Aesthetic Ideology
2015–2017 -
The Future of Sustainability. Literature, Time, and the Environment
2016–2017 -
Time and Form in Motion. Goethe’s Morphology and Its Afterlife in 20th-Century Theory
2013–2017 -
Bioethics. A Cultural Theory Approach
2014–2016 -
Cultural Semantics of the Black Sea Region
2014–2016 -
Cultures of Madness. Liminal Phenomena of the Urban Modern Era (1870–1930)
2009–2016 -
Cultures of Text and Religion
2014–2016 -
East-Western Cultures of Affect
2014–2016 -
Endless Narration? On German Literature and Literary Studies After 1945
2015–2016 -
Figurations of the Barbaric in the 18th Century. A Genealogy of the Concept of Culture in International Law, the Philosophy of History, and Literature
2015–2016 -
German as the Language for the Humanities around 1800
2014–2016 -
Incomprehensibility. Investigating Obscuritas in Ancient Rhetoric and Modern Literature and Philosophy (1870–1970)
2015–2016 -
Language Criticism as a Critique of Morals. The Unclaimed Legacy of Karl Kraus
2014–2016 -
Poetics and Jewish Philosophy. Gershom Scholem Edition
2014–2016 -
Representing Time in Capitalist Realism in Contemporary German and English Literature
2015–2016 -
Testimony/Bearing Witness — a Controversial Concept. Examining the Interchange between the Systematic and Cultural Research Perspectives
2012–2016 -
Translation, Knowledge, and Culture – On Freudian Psychoanalysis and Vilém Flusser’s Translation Theories
2016 -
Translations in the Transfer of Knowledge
2014–2016 -
Figurations of the Martyr in Near Eastern and European Literature
2005–2015 -
Skull Base Knowledge. Cultural Implications of Cranial Plastic Surgery
2011–2015 -
The Cultural Semantics of Georgia between the Caucasus and the Black Sea
2012–2015 -
Discourses of Life. Paradigmatic Concepts around 1900 and its Significance for the Present
2013–2014 -
Susan Taubes Edition
2008–2014 -
The Face as Artifact in Art and Science
2011–2013 and 2014 -
Cultural Factors of Inheritance
2011–2013 -
Hereditary Chorea. Test – Diagnostic – Prognostic
2012–2013 -
Letters from and to Jacob Taubes
2008–2013 -
Organism and Culture. Conceptual Foundations and Boundaries of Biology
2012–2013 -
Prognostics and Literature
2010–2013 -
The European Subject and the ‘Homo sovieticus’
2011–2013 -
The Eye in the Laboratory
2011–2013 -
Tragedy and Trauerspiel
2011–2013 -
Transfer-Knowledge – Knowledge-Transfer. On the History and Contemporary Relevance of Transfers between the Life Sciences and Humanities (1930/1970/2010)
2009–2013 -
Blindness as a Figure of Knowledge in Literature and Film
2011–2012 -
Aporias of Forced Modernization. Representations of the National in the Soviet Empire
2008–2010 -
Emotion and Motion
2008–2010 -
Expressive Gestures between Evolutionary Theory and Cultural History
2008–2010 -
Freud and the Sciences. circa 1900 and circa 2000
2008–2010 -
Generations and Inheritance – Towards an Interpretive Framework for Sociocultural Change
2007–2010 -
Sacramental Representation
2008–2010 -
Aby Warburg: Volume of Works (Edition)
2008–2009 -
Topography of the Plural Cultures of Europe, Regarding the ‘Shift of Europe to the East’
2006–2009 -
Erich Auerbach. Edition and Monograph
2006–2007 -
Ästhetische Grundbegriffe
1992–2005 -
Geschichte der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft seit 1945 – Veränderungen des Literaturbegriffs